
Forget First Kiss - It's Time For The Slap!

Remember First Kiss – that video with all the strangers kissing each other for the first time? It had lustrous black and white photography, improbably attractive people and also turned out to be a marketing stunt for clothing company Wren.

Well, a few weeks on and the internet has served up its fair share of parodies. And now it has something even better. The Slap.

Basically, more rather attractive people turn up at a soundstage in Los Angeles and take it in turns to whack each other in the face. And the results are way more interesting than you could imagine. Also, slapping is always fun to watch.  

There’s a lot going on here – not least the fact that the project came from the brain of Max Landis. He’s not only the son of American Werewolf director John Landis but also wrote and sold the script for Chronicle when he was in his early 20’s.

He’s got some clever ideas about the nature of the relationship between slapper and slappee but also has no problem calling it exactly as it is! With some added Fight Club cred! 

It’s got 1.6 million views already – can it beat the 85 million who clicked on First Kiss?!

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