
Quotidian Neologism

Words are great. So are books but as they are, essentially, longer or shorter collections of words in many different orders - words were better, first.
Dictionaries are great too - they resemble books in that they are collections of words but they are gloriously unfettered by the percived need for a 'plot' in literature or an 'argument' in academia. Dictionaries are just lots of words with other words explaining what the initial words mean. They come bound together in many pages but, in our fantastic technology-riddled world, dictionaries also exist on the Internet.
So, from now on you can learn a new word here every day courtesy of www.dictionary.com
It's not a book but it's still rather good. And it doesn't encourage the persistent genocide of trees. Which is good as well.
It's an excellent resource and... words are great

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it